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I usually do not make short posts. However, as I see the narrative of this scam and just received the email now, I evaluated that it maybe a potential threat which is why it is best to spread this as soon as possible. Here is the content of the email:

- Smart Contract: 0xB2E82e27DE6F9Fa1112a2908CC016734520Feb25
- Email Address: support@outlook-apps.net claimed to be Ethereum Foundation
- Email Subject: ETH mainnet is now launched! What do you need to do?
- Suspicion: ETH users are asked to sent to a claimed to be a smart contract address while most transactions are irreversible.
- Other links contained: Explore upgrades, The eth2 vision.
The reason why I considered this as a threat because I almost believed and planned to send my ETH to this address. However, I remembered my first time of being scammed which seems similar and thankfully I stopped. Why I almost fallen because ETH 2.0 is a hot topic and people are eager to give it a try for example whether the fees got smaller and here the email tells us to convert our ETH to ETH 2.0 by sending it to an address to enjoy the features and don't worry, the ETH will return automatically as it is a smart contract it said.
What to do?
- If you are an expert, you can verify whether the address is valid or not and do forensic on the email address origin.
- If you are a beginner like me, check the smart contract at any Ethereum explorer for example https://etherscan.io/address/0xB2E82e27DE6F9Fa1112a2908CC016734520Feb25 and consult experts and spread this news.
- If you are active in the community, please verify whether we need to manually convert or not.
- Lastly, everyone, leave comment whether this is really a scam or not.
Final Warning! Please verify whether this conversion is true or not. Send your ETH to the suspicious address above at your own risk!
- https://www.publish0x.com/0fajarpurnama0/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-20-is-this-xerywqm?a=4oeEw0Yb0B&tid=blogger
- https://0darkking0.blogspot.com/2020/12/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to.html
- https://0fajarpurnama0.medium.com/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-2-0-is-this-a-scam-beware-a1d2d620ffc2
- https://0fajarpurnama0.github.io/cryptocurrency/2020/12/09/send-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth2.0-scam
- https://hicc.cs.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/~fajar/cryptocurrency/send-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth2.0-scam
- https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@fajar.purnama/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-2-0-is-this-a-scam-beware?r=fajar.purnama
- https://www.aeneas.blog/aeneas/@fajar.purnama/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-2-0-is-this-a-scam-beware?ref=fajar.purnama
- https://blurt.buzz/cryptocurrency/@fajar.purnama/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-2-0-is-this-a-scam-beware?referral=fajar.purnama
- https://0fajarpurnama0.wixsite.com/0fajarpurnama0/post/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-2-0-is-this-a-scam-beware
- http://0fajarpurnama0.weebly.com/blog/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-20-is-this-a-scam-beware
- https://0fajarpurnama0.cloudaccess.host/index.php/11-cryptocurrency/135-send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-2-0-is-this-a-scam-beware
- https://read.cash/@FajarPurnama/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-20-is-this-a-scam-beware-02a4863d
- https://www.uptrennd.com/post-detail/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-2-0-is-this-a-scam-beware~ODI3NTU3
- https://www.floyx.com/article/0fajarpurnama0/send-your-eth-to-smart-contract-to-covert-to-eth-2-000162ca4f
- https://markethive.com/0fajarpurnama0/blog/sendyourethtosmartcontracttocoverttoeth20isthisascambeware
- https://www.torum.com/post/5fd089357d0b1b02d006032d
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