Torum Towards Gamifying The Crypto Social Media Ecosystem
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In my previous article, I wrote of how Torum is fun by getting rewards from doing social media missions. In this article, I write about the current ecosystem of Torum as a crypto social media from my perpestive. If you want to know about the founders' perspectives and how they want to develop Torum, you can go ahead and read the whitepaper. Here, I will write about the current referral, tipping, clan, and company system. In the previous article I wrote how Torum is just like any other social media where we can post, like, and comment with an addition of getting daily mission rewards for doing them. In this article, I will discuss almost the rest of the other missions.
Referral System
There is one special mission called the referral system. It is a commission system given to Landers (users of Torum) who successfully invited other users. Both inviters and invitees are rewarded with 75 XTM. While mainstream social media does not reward users for inviting, Torum rewards its Landers for inviting and like all referral system. It is another fun field where we can be creative such as create an article about Torum and embed a referral link, invite people by broadcasting the referral link on mainstream social media, forum, and/or messaging apps, and advertise using Internet advertisements such as Google Adsense, Mellow Ads, AADS, and Cointiply. The traditional method still applies such as inviting people face to face and handing fliers while wearing a suit. The open beta phase is also a good time to use our referral as users today can only join through invitation link such as mine the way, if you write decent articles about Torum every week, you should join among the ambassadors. For developers, I suggest to check the system regularly for those who invited massive amount of users who may potentially become ambassadors. Also, they should provide banners for those who interested in doing referral marketing.
Tipping System
Tip posts or threads from 1-1000 XTM in two clicks of a button. In mainstream social media we get fame, followers, and connections for interesting and quality posts. In Torum, we get additional large amount of tips. Intentionally, this a healthy system where quality posts or threads deserves rewards and this motivates more quality and interesting posts. This system is also possibly favorible to the law of supply and demand as the world we are living now have a wide gap between the rich and the poor. The rich wants to spend their money and demand for interesting and quality content. We supply those contents and everybody gets what they want and everybody will be happy narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. We can see that Torum intents to make the tipping fun by naming the amount of tips which are:
1 XTM = Smol Clap
3 XTM = Bag of Shitcoins
5 XTM = Hodl
6 XTM = Pile of Kimchi
7 XTM = Shushi Bundles
8 XTM = Yummy Yam
10 XTM = Bitcoin Pizza
25 XTM = Bag of Altcoins
50 XTM = Doge CEO
100 XTM = Moon Lambo
1000 XTM = Satoshi's Blessing
If you are not amused, I did say "they intended" and I believe that they will improve them.
There is also a mission to accumulate certain amount of shards where every tips contains shards. No need to think hard, just know that this mission can motivate Landers to create more quality posts and threads as other Landers only tips something that is of quality.
Clan System
Even the community or group feature is gamified. Gain experience by contributing and interracting to the clan and rise through the levels:
Sounds familiar? It is familiar for me with Super Cell's Clash of Clan and Clash Royale. Maybe other video games with clans are like this as well. Members contribute activeness (EKVA) to the clan where the higher the EKVA, the more active the clan is. I asked Jason of what is the abbreviation of EKVA and the answer was surprising. Num-Torum (Numi-Torem or Numi-Turum) is the supreme god or father god of the Ugrian peoples. He is the father of the hero Mir-Susne-Hum, six other sons, including Postajankt-iki, and one daughter. His siblings are Hotel-Ekva (Sun), Etposzojka (Moon), Naj-Ekva (fire), Kuly-Otir (underworld) and his wife, Kaltes-Ekwa. According to the Khanty people, he lives on the highest level of heaven, which means that it is difficult for people to talk to him, thus the children of Num-Torum are consulted on his behalf. He and his seven sons lived in a house of gold and silver ( Never expected this answer right? Which is related to the God of Ugrian peoples and EKVA is a name included in his two siblings which are sun and fire where the EKVA symbol used in the clans of Torum is fire.Back to the serious stuff, clans are places for the crypto community to discuss, general communities such as the Bitcoin and Ethereum community, specific communities such as Bitcoin Maximalists and XRP Army, or custom communities such as crypto gem hunters community. Once again, non-crypto communities are also welcome as Landers can choose whether they want to join non-crypto communities or not. Kicking out non-crypto will only sully the name of crypto itself as crypto is something open for everyone. It is the developers job to provide features to the Landers if they want to hide non-crypto clans.
Company System
For those outside of crypto is similar Facebook Business Page where companies can upload their profiles, list their members, and start posts and news. For crypto users, it is similar to Bitcointalk campaign where back then they used it to start their new coins such as IEO, ICO, mining network, etc. Unlike the other features, I do not yet see much significant on this company system, probably they are still working on it. I may write a seperate article of my proposal in the future.I am writing this article as Torum ambassador @0fajarpurnama0. Even if I'm not an ambassador, I will still be writing these articles but with a different time frame, maybe once a month or three months? I hope to see you soon in Torum:
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